Analysing the performances by the different drivers and teams in the Shakedown and the 2 Qualifying Rounds in the Ocean X – Prix, which is the second round of Extreme E.

Extreme E returned to extreme driving in not a very unknown location this time. It returned to racing what could be said to be the mecca of offroad racing – Senegal. They are in Lac Rose, Senegal racing on a beach and the shakedown and the qualifying rounds have been interesting as the driving has been great. There have been some unexpected results, some recoveries and some issues again but the track has given a great great chance for all kinds of drivers to show their skills and take the victory.

The winners of the Desert X Prix – Rosberg X Racing’s Johan Kristoffersson and Molly Taylor were expected to be in the top 2 again but from shakedown itself, the team wasn’t looking very confident, especially Kristoffersson who wasn’t very confident of being fast but was happy that the track will allow for closer racing and easier following than the track in Al’Ula did because of a better terrain. When asked about if the magnificent moves seen in Al’Ula could be seen here as well, as per him the course ” opens up more opportunities to overtake” but he will like to be out first and not need to make any such moves. He was not revealing a lot but when it came to Qualifying, there is no way, one could have not seen Johan taking different lines and showing speed that was very very good.

He was the third fastest through the second sector of the course, which is also the super sector, a new feature wherein going fastest during the race can earn you 5 extra points. He had two main driving features which had him going so fast especially through that sector. The first being that it seems like he and the car are one. He has very good control and he balances his throttle and brake very well. Secondly, he was trying different lines and he was managing his speed into turns very well, which was helped by his control over the car. He was again picking lines that were not always the same as most others. And that is what made him that fast through the second sector. He got good traction, which helped accelerate faster and also helped him in Sector 2 and the last part of the final sector.

But at Rosberg X Racing, just like in Saudi Arabia, Molly Taylor is quite a bit slower as compared to Kristoffersson and she does have good pace, and almost matches Kristoffersson through a lot of sections on the sector but overall, she needs to be a little faster. She needs to have just that bit of more control on the car, and that will allow her to be faster. She needs to balance and manage the amount of power she gives through different sections a little more, especially in the areas like the Mogul, where she even went sideways once in Qualifying Round 2.

The car settings had some issues which were also resolved in between the rounds a bit, and it seemed the rear of the RXR car was acting up a bit more than some of the other cars and it could be due to factors such power balance, or the driving style of the drivers as well.


The driver of the day has to be the driver who was not only the fastest, but also fixed his car in around 4 minutes on the course to restart and give his team a small chance of qualifying into Semi – Final 2. He was fast. Very fast and with his help, his team were the second fastest by less than two seconds to X44 in Qualifying Round and in the second Qualifying Round, he had helped his team into a lead of more than 6 seconds before his car came to a halt after the woods section, and they lost just about 4 minutes worth of time.

Kyle LeDuc has a driving style which isn’t the safest or the least craziest. He drives a little rough, being on the throttle at all times, but he has good control on his car and that is what makes him so fast. He was fastest through all the three sectors. The issue arises when his car isn’t able to sustain it. He was managing his power input well, and did not drop his car very very roughly anywhere, like it happened on the Drop in Saudi Arabia but the car looked like it was not willing to drive in the manner he was driving it, i.e. the car wanted him to go slower. Some drivers have talked about how the car isn’t very favorable for courses where there is a lot of ups and downs, and huge bumps but the they need to manage it, and that is true, the car did hold up well to his driving as he is someone who is able to hold on to the steering and keep control of his car well, what he needs is a little support from the rear end at places where he can’t do much except go slow to manage the rear end. Kyle LeDuc’s driving style is one of full commitment and he wins because he has speed, he does not win just because he has control, the control helps him use his speed but at the basics, he is just very very fast. He is willing to take risks. He knows that if he can control his car well, him going faster and faster is possible and will not damage his car as such on jumps of the height seen in Senegal.

What he needs is his teammate to be faster. His teammate, Sara Price is a little too cautious at places and as seen a bit in Saudi, and in both the Qualifying rounds in Senegal, she loses a lot of the advantage that LeDuc makes. She needs to look at and understand from her teammate’s driving style and free herself up a bit.

The main factor differentiating between drivers and their timings, except issues with the car, was their commitment in two sections of the circuit – the first being the Mogul section, which has the several bumpy sections an the second being the bumpy section, just before going on to the beach section in Sector 3. And it could be clearly seen. The fastest drivers like LeDuc and Loeb were fully committed and some were generally seen using their throttle and brake continuously to have good speed but just not overspeed. But then there were some very cautious drivers like Loeb’s teammate Gutierrez. They were going slightly slower through these sections, or were at times were not cautious and were throwing their cars into a jump, which then slowed them a bit. This was the main factor – the right amount of commitment which reflects their sills and their confidence in themselves and the car.

Another driver who was very good in his runs, and was also very good in Saudi Arabia, and is one who dominates jumps is Carlos Sainz Sr. and what a drive he also did. He gains a lot of time in those bumpy sections and is able to handle the technical sections well. He is after all someone who drove around half of the lap on full throttle after it got stuck in Shakedown. He could have managed a podium finish with his team, if not for that issue with the car in Qualifying Round 1 during his teammate’s lap.

Regarding the track, drivers have different feelings and t is normal. Some deem it is easy to overtake, some deem it is not so easy. In Extreme E, there is also the factor that many drivers are having to adapt to 4 wheel drive and such circuits and cars and that is also a factor in how they perform. But when it comes to the course, there are some definite sections were overtakes can be made but if one gets a good start, and is someone like Kristoffersson, LeDuc or Loeb, an extend the lead well in the first sector and take advantage of that in Sector 2 and that is why GridPlay, on a track which isn’t very overtaking friendly everywhere, is very important, especially for those who rely a lot on their start, and can advantage those who are good at defence.

ABT CUPRA Racing were helped a lot by the performance of the championship driver who replaced their female driver Claudia Hurtgen after complains of stomach issues whereas JBXE, who had Kevin Hansen replace Jenson Button, were taking things calmly and not trying to overachieve as their drivers require more experience just like Jamie Chadwick of Veloce.

All in all, it can be an exciting final and semi – final races based on what has been seen in the Qualifying rounds and the shakedown and GridPlay can play a fairly good and important role. It seems that X44 have the advantage over their competitors for this round, but RXR can maybe make up some more time and pace.


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