More cars in the Final Race. rain adding to the challenges through the day and some fine and close drives. These are what defined the Races in Greenland for the Arctic X Prix.


The Rain played a very important role in the whole process as it made everything much more challenging. It does not have the same effect as it would on a proper asphalt track, and on cars with click tyres but with it being a natural terrain with bumps and a rough surface, the rain reduced available grip at places and also forms puddles in some areas which are below the elevation of the bumps or general track around them. And also if the car goes out of control, it can slip more dangerously as the slip factor increases as friction and traction is slightly less. The narrow section before the gravel trap, seemed to be most affected. It already was giving issues to many, but the rain made that narrow section worse with water not dissipated enough, wet surface, lesser margin of error, and deep tyre mark lines.


Semi – Final 1, a semi – final that had creating a lead, chasing down the leader, taking risks and much more. There were three main points in that race that defined the outcome and the drivers. The race start in itself was very interesting. Carlos Sainz’s race start was very usual of him. He has not had good launches off the start line, and also his start line wasn’t the best, but it was something he did not have much control on. But Sainz had a pace with which he continued and that speed in a straight line, under Sainz’s control allowed him to make the overtake on the Veloce Racing Car just before entering the narrow, one car wide section which allowed him to extend his lead as he was, undeniably, the fastest of the three rivers, with his commitment and his control. Unlike him, it seemed the Gutierrez got stuck behind the Veloce car in that section. The car was also good over the bumps and the rough zones. He built a gap which was to be hunted down, expectedly with Laia Sanz still settling in with her car and X44 having planned it well, had the very experienced and exceptional driver Loeb going in second.

The moment that defined it all was his overtake on Sarrazin, which he had just on the edge of the lake in the final few metres of the narrow section. He had good control of the car and he held on well, as he went off the line to make the overtake post pressurising Sarrazin . That overtake would have also been a surprise as an overtake in that area was unexpected and also, Loeb changed his line completely from the left to the right, skipping the main racing line, and was on the throttle well. That was an overtake that just shows Loeb’s control on the car. That was the moment which highlighted also the importance of the experience he has. The car also needed to be able to sustain that kind of handling and it was tuned well throughout the weekend from the start itself.

And the all – ending move by Sarrazin at the end was the final interesting part of the race. Sarrazin decided to be brave and take a very different, but shorter, line through the rock garden. The main line thorugh that area was clear of large rocks but the line he took were full of them and he went very fast through them and if the car would not get damaged, then that would be a surprise as that would mean the suspension in that car was extremely strong, but it had been proven across cars to not be so strong. He was succesful in gaining positions and even made the next jump but it was then that his tyre suspension gave up and his tyre rotated 90 degrees on the horizontal plane. Was this dangerous option a do or die one for Sarrazin? Did he have another option? If the way he caught upto Sanz and Sanz’s diving style is seen, he could have taken the safer line and ended up ahead by the finish line. He just had to take the same line, and then go towards the left or the right of Sanz’s car before the jump and then full throttle would have gotten Veloce the second place probably, and maybe that would have atleast seen them finishing, with that line being cleaner than the one that Sarrazin took. That seems like a wrong decision that was taken by him as he tried to be adventurous.


Semi – Final 2, a semi – final that defined two very important points related to a team that won the X – Prix, and a team that was a surprise loser. Andretti United Extreme E and Rosberg X Racing. It was really just a fight between the two of them, especially after the ABT Cupra car suffered issues and also was not so fast in the hands of either of the drivers and was hence, taken out of the equation. The race started with Andretti United not getting the best grid slot and getting the bumpy ride but Timmy Hansen had good pace and continued well on that line to tak advantage later on as he ended up coming out ahead of Kristofferson after a few metres. Timmy Hansen’s pace did get RXR worried as Kristoffersson used his Hyperboost in order to get ahead to take the lead before entering the narrow section. What Timmy did well was to stay close, he was able to match Kristoffersson’s pace almost throughout the lap, and he had some smoother turns that Kristoffersson who dug in a bit at times, but Kristoffersson had good selection of lines and his pace was visible in the back straight where he seemed to be getting away.

The most crucial part of the whole race was the run that Hansen got through the first few waypoints wherein on the initial start straight, Kristoffersson made use of his HyperBoost to ensure he does get the lead before going into the narrow section of the track, Hansen did not. This not only meant that Hansen could use the HyperBoost to either stay close to or overtake Kristoffersson on the next available opportunity but also what he actually did – which was to extend his small lead he took in the final part of the back straight. It gave Hansen a very required, very small, but very crucial gap between him and Kristoffersson as overtaking wasn’t easiest till the Rock Garden now, and Kristoffersson was unable to. But again, with a better understanding of the right line, he closed in and stood back in the Rock Garden section, because he did not require taking a risk, cause as seen in the previous race it could end the whole race, and top 2 do qualify and Molly isn’t slow, she has the required pace. Kristoffersson was not about to back off, and this is where his control and understanding again came into play with him capitalising on braking late yet reaching the speed limit before entering the Switch Zone, whereas Hansen slowed down slightly earlier to ensure he safely does so, while getting overtaken.

Andretti United Extreme E had almost been guaranteed a victory with RXR having a penalty for knocking down a waypoint flag. Kristoffersson never looked comfortable enough in the car throughout the race, and that was soemthing that played into the hands of Andretti United Extreme E with ABT Cupra’s car facing a driveshaft problem. This meant that they were not only almost guaranteed a place in the Finals if they drove properly, i.e. without being reckless, and with RXR not looking comfortable in the race, they could finally have a chance at the win, staying within 10 seconds of RXR, but it was to be them straightaway taking the chequered flag.

It was again the back straight where Catie Munnings had a better line and was faster, especially with RXR not being able to keep up with the track and slight weather change that well. Catie Munnings made a very simple overtake, and again they had it planned ut as she used her HyperBoost to extend the lead and then was a clear winner even though Molly Taylor was able to come almost as close as just being one car length away from Andrett United Extreme E’s car with Catie not taking any risks and just driving smoothly on the best line.


IMG: Zak Mauger

The Crazy Race was crazy on the front of how not so well the cars held up. The winner survived well, the rest one’s car completely dies, the other faced one of the most common issues with the car throughout the sessions. It was a dream comeback for JBXE Racing through the race after leading, then having to serve a very heavy penalty by waiting for extra time in the Switch Zone and then winning the race. Chip Ganassi Racing are just not getting the opportunity to get on the podium, their car broke down once again, and it wasn’t even Kyle Leduc pushing it to its complete limits and making it do crazy jumps and move through rough lines, it was Sara Price, who has good pace but has a different driving style, taking it through a fairly clean line and turning just like the others when the front right wheel suspension gave up, and the wheel again turned completely. The team have the pace but again and again, they are just losing ot with the car breaking down, and although one can say that Leduc should be more considerate towards the car till the time it is able to hold up but this time there wasn’t rough driving involved.

JBXE were now up against XITE Energy Racing, and were the faster ones on pure pace. But with a good amount of ground to cover up, any sort of help could seal the deal in an even better manner for them. And it happened, just as Kevin Hansen got into the same line and just a few car lengths away, the other car stopped functioning and Kevin Hansen had a clear line. The main factor was the car stopping which has been a very grave issue and if not dealt with could become what decides the championship.


The race of teamwork, issues with the car, speed, experience and control. At the start, Andretti United again had the same extreme line, and the X44 and RXR, the top two in the championship, were side by side. Both got off to a great start but with Munnings continuing on the bumpy but advantageous line, it was her and Andretti United Extreme E Team who took the lead, again utilizing the HyperBoost to try and extend the lead. It needs to be understood that taking the lead going into the narrow section is of utmost importance as that can allow you to use your pace to extend your lead through that section, and even if the driver suffers an issue, the other drivers can’t overtake easily, and the team has a chance to maintain the lead even then. And every team and driver knew this but the Acciona Sainz XE Team were out of the fight for the same, with Laia Sanz still just purely not being able to push enough and extract enough speed. Kevin Hanssen was trying. But it was Loeb with his experience and again, exceptional control who was able to put his car on the right line and pass in between the leaders, going side by side with them into the finul turn before the narrow space and made that turn exceptionally getting a good and quick acceleration out of the turn and into the narrow part of the track, extending his lead. Another driver to get a good exit was Molly Taylor staying second for RXR, Kevin Hansen also picked a good line to come even closer to the leaders but stayed in 4th.


This order stayed but what changed the whole scenario was definitely the puncture on the X44 car which forced them to try and fix the car in the Switch Zone without having more than 1 mechanic/engineer and the two drivers. This meant that the fight for the win was going to be between Andretti United Extreme E and RXR once again, but with RXR having the advantage over the others as Kristoffersson was to drive the second lap and even though he was not expected to zoom past everyone as he was suffering issues throughout, he was more likely to win. But it was Andretti United Extreme E who got the lead into the narrow section after having a very good switch, which got them some advantage as they recovered the very small gap between them and RXR while leaving the zone itself. They were ahead but RXR’s car was always on their rear through the narrow zone and in this race it was Kristoffersson who got a smoother exit from the tight turn after the narrow section into the back straight section, and was on to take the lead, but Andretti had the pace throughout the races and Hansen and Munnings were holding on to their car and the lines well, and they had a good line. But Kristoffersson surely knows how to get an advantage, but a significant amount of airtime sees the car making a hard landing back and the car coming to a halt. The race was now Andretti United Extreme E’s to win and to lose with JBXE staying close. But it was again the back straight, the speed, a beautiful line, good handling and judgement that saw Andretti United Extreme E win the Artcic X Prix, with JBXE finishing second and Acciona Sainz XE Team finishing third with a not so efficient and slightly unsuccessful recovery drive from Sainz.

Although, X44 could not capitalise enough on RXR’s issues with them facing their own, they still managed to finally finish above RXR and gain more points.

All in all, the Arctic X Prix was characterized by the breaking down of cars by and even without the fault of the drivers. Andretti United Extreme E had understood the track very well and had the best performance on the back straight which earned them several rewards, including the race win.


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